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게임 크랙 밎 트레이너/[A~E]

Alien Shooter: Revisited (에일리언 슈터 : 리비지티드) 트레이너

쿨럭. 이미지가 없다니..ㅡㅡ;; 여기저기 돌아다녀봐도 이미지를 구할수 없었습니다.;;ㅜㅜ

이게임이 나올떼가 올해 4월이였습니다. 일종의 재고판으로 나온것이라 그닥 알려져 있지는 않습니다.

크랙도 필요없이 데몬으로 인식이 되고 바로 플레이가 가능합니다.~~

그런데 7월 29일에 이게임에 대해서 트레이너가 나왔네요.. 

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   ;'( ')/ ,)(                              ~~~~~~~~~~   Ascii Art by Tua Xiong
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||             Alien Shooter Revisited v1.0 PLUS 3 TRAINER                    ||
||   Release Date  :  07-27-2009               Supplier     :  Retail         ||
||   Release Type  :  Trainer                  Game Type    :  Action         ||
||   Release Notes:                                                           ||
||                                                                            ||
||   Launch the game first or the trainer first, it shouldn't matter.         ||
||   Press desired option key.                                                ||
||                                                                            ||
||   InGame Hotkeys:                                                          ||
||   F2  - Unlimited Health                                                   ||
||   F3  - Unlimited Ammo                                                     ||
||   F4  - Lots of Money            (notes)                                   ||
||   F5  - Resume All To Normal                                               ||
||                                                                            ||
||   Lots of Money                                                            ||
||   While shopping,the huge sum of money will update when you buy            ||
||   or sell something.                                                       ||
||   Contact:                                                                 ||
||                                                                            ||
||   Drop me a line at whocares@163.com                                       ||
'=============================================================nfo by Whocares==